1801006184-LONG CASE

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 50 year old man resident  of Miryalguda, worker in an ice factory and  came with chief complaints of weakness of right upper limb and lower limb , slurring of speech and deviation of mouth to left side


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back then he developed giddiness for which he went to the local hospital and he was also diagnosed to be hypertensive for which he took medication for 20 days(Atenolol and  Amlodipine) and stopped since 10 days.

On 13/03/2023 at morning 4 am he developed weakness of right upper limb and lower limb .He also developed slurring of speech and deviation of mouth towards left. He was taken to local hospital and was referred to our hospital. 

No history of vomiting headache, unconsciousness,seizures,neck rigidity,valvular heart diseases


Patient has history of fracture to right elbow 30 years ago.

Known case of hypertension since 1month

No history of diabetes,  tuberculosis, epilepsy

No history of trauma to head.

No history of surgeries.


Diet: Mixed

Appetite: Normal 

Sleep: Adequate

Bowel and bladder: Regular 

Addictions: Alcoholic since 30 yrs and chews tobacco (Gutka) for 10 years (one packet of gukta lasts for 2days)


Before illness:

4am- gets ready(has tea)and go for work

9am- have breakfast(rice, curry) and go back to work.

1pm-  have lunch (rice dal ,curry ,chicken weekly thrice)and go back to work

9 pm- have dinner

10pm- sleeps

After the illness:

He went for work for 20 days and then stopped doing the work.His strength to do work has decreased.


No significant family history


Patient was examined in a well lit room after taking informed consent. He is conscious, coherent and cooperative; moderately built and  nourished.

Pallor- Absent

Icterus- Absent

Cyanosis- Absent 

Clubbing- Absent 

Generalised lymphadenopathy- Absent 

Edema- Absent


1. Temperature- Afebrile

2. Pulse pressure- 75 beats per min

3. Blood pressure- 130/70 mm Hg

4. Respiratory rate- 17 cycles per min

5. GRBS-109mg/dl



Dominance -Right handed

Higher mental functions- 


Oriented to time place and person

Memory- Immediate, recent and remote 

Slurring of speech present

Cranial nerve examination:

I- Olfactory nerve-  sense of smell Normal

II- Optic nerve- 

Visual acuity

Field of vision.        Normal 

Colour vision            normal 

III, IV, VI.                 Right      Left . 

EOM                      Normal    Normal 

Diplopia.                Absent   Absent

Nystagmus             Absent  Absent

Ptosis                         Absent   Absent

Direct and indirect

Light reflex                   present

V- Masseter, temporalis and pterygoid muscles are normal on both sides(sensations of face are normal can chew food normally)

VII- - Deviation of mouth to left side

VIII-  no hearing loss ,no vertigo

IX- no difficulty in swallowing

X- No difficulty in swallowing

XI -sternocleidomastoid contraction present, 

Trapezius- shrugging of shoulders against resistance present

Neck can move in all directions 

XII - No deviation of tongue,tongue movements normal 

Motor system 

Tone              Right.          Left 

Upper limb Increased.  Normal

Lower limb Increased Normal  

power.               Right.      Left

Upper limb       3/5           4/5

Lower limb     3/5             4/5 

Superficial reflxes 

Corneal reflex normal on both sides 

Abdominal reflex  absent

                                Right.              Left

Plantar.        Muted.     Flexion

                    Positive.   Negative

Deep tendon reflexes                                                                      Right                     Left 

Biceps      +++                        ++

Triceps.    +++                      ++

Supinator +++                     ++

Knee. Jerk +++                   ++

Ankle jerk   +++                ++

Sensory system 

 Spinothalamic          Rt.      Lft

Crude touch                    +      +.    

Pain                              +           +

Temperature                +        +

Posterior column

Fine touch                   +        +

Vibration                   Normal


Two point discrimination- able to discriminate 

Tactile localization -able to localise 

Cerebellar  Examination 

Finger nose test-Normal

Heel shin  test -Normal

 No Dysdiadochokinesia 

No meningeal signs

Examination of spine-Normal

Deep tendon reflexes Right side



Knee jerk:

Ankle jerk:

Plantar reflex:



Shape of the chest- elliptical 

B/L symmetrical,

Both sides moving equally with respiration 

No scars, sinuses, engorged veins, pulsations


Trachea - central

Expansion of chest is equal on both side

Tactile vocal fremitus Normal


Normal vesicular breath sounds heard



Shape of chest- elliptical shaped chest

No engorged veins, scars, visible pulsations 

JVP is not raised


 Apex beat in 5th inter costal space medial to mid clavicular line

No thrills and parasternal heaves felt


S1,S2 are heard

no murmurs heard 



Umbilicus - inverted

All quadrants moving equally with respiration

No scars, sinuses and engorged veins , visible. pulsations. 

Hernial orifices- free.


soft, non-tender

No palpable spleen and liver

Percussion- Resonant note heard

Auscultation- Normal bowel sounds heard

Provisional diagnosis: cerebrovascular accident with right sided hemiparesis


Anti HCV antibodies rapid - non reactive 

HIV 1/2 rapid test - non reactive

Random Blood sugar - 109 mg/dl

 Fasting blood sugar - 114 mg/dl

Hemoglobin- 13.4 gm/dl

WBC-7,800 cells/mm3

Neutrophils- 70%

Lymphocytes- 21%

Eosinophils- 01%

Monocytes- 8%

Basophils- 0

PCV- 40 vol%

MCV- 89.9 fl 

MCH- 30.1 pg

MCHC- 33.5%

RBC count- 4.45 millions/mm3

Platelet counts- 3.01 lakhs/ cu mm

Peripheral Smear

RBC - normocytic normochromic

WBC - with in normal limits

Platelets - Adequate

Complete Urine Examination

Colour - pale yellow

Appearance- clear 

Reaction - acidic

Sp.gravity - 1.010

Albumin - trace

Sugar - nil

Bile salts - nil

Bile pigments - nil

Pus cells - 3-4 /HPF

Epithelial cells - 2-3/HPF

RBC s - nil 

Crystals - nil

Casts - nil 

Amorphous deposits - absent

Liver Function tests

Total bilirubin - 1.71 mg/dl

Direct bilirubin- 0.48 mg/dl

AST - 15 IU/L

ALT - 14 IU/L

Alkaline phosphatase - 149 IU/L

Total proteins - 6.3 g/dl

Albumin - 3.6 g/dl

A/G ratio - 1.36

Blood urea - 19 mg/dl

Serum creatinine - 1.1 mg/dl


Sodium - 141 mEq/L

Potassium - 3.7 mEq/L

Chloride - 104 mEq/L

Calcium ionised - 1.02 mmol/L


Cerebrovascular accident with Right sided hemiparesis ,
Acute infarct in posterior limb of left internal capsule





Physiotherapy of right upper limb and lower limb


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