55 yr female with involuntary movements


“This is an online e log book to discuss our patient’s de- identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient’s clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book reflects my patient centered online portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comments is welcome.”

January 21,2022


A 55 years old female came to the GM OPD with chief complaints of 

 - sudden onset of tremors in right arm since yesterday which stopped during sleep and started again in the morning. 


History of present illness: 

She was apparently asymptomatic 1year ago. Then as she developed abnormal behaviour with suspicion over that they are harming her and fearfulness towards others 1yr back after her sister's husband died due to excessive alcohol intake daily.

Later past 6 months visited psychiatry op with complaints of self smiling,self talking,decreased response,decrease speech output, difficulty to speak with decreased self care and hygiene,not doing any household work, not interacting with others,decreased eye contact,visual and auditory hallucinations diagnosed as psychosis and medication risperidone.

She didn't follow up and went to nalgonda 3months back CT and MRI scans were taken and were normal. Medication was given which she used for 2days and stopped themselves as she was not improving. 

3days back again went to nalgonda were she was given T.olanzapine and T.quetiapine. Yesterday sudden onset of involuntary movements in right arm while eating stopped during sleep and continued next day morning.

Past history: She is suffering from asthma since childhood. 

No  DM, HTN, TB, Epilepsy, CAD.

 Family h/o: her relative experienced same symptoms in the past.

Personal h/o: 

Diet -mixed 

Appetite - normal 

Bowel habits - regular 

Bladder habits - regular

Sleep - adequate 

No addictions 

She is  married and have 2daughters and 1son .she had disputes in her family.

General examination: Patient is conscious, coherent,noncooperative ,well built and well nourished.

No pallor,icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, Edema.


Pulse rate - 94 bpm 

Temperature- 98.2  degree Fahrenheit 

RR - 15 cpm 

BP - 130/90 mmHg 

Systemic examination : 

CVS : S1 S2 + , no added murmurs 

RS :BAE + ,NVBS heard 

P/A :soft , non tender 

        No organomegaly 

        No distension 

        Bowel sounds heard


Pupils- B/L dilated, reacting to light 

Tone-               Rt.                          Lt.

          UL         N                            N

          LL          N                            N


          UL         5/5                          5/5

          LL          5/5                         5/5


          B-            +                           +

          T-            +                            +

          S-            +                            +

          K-           +                            +

          A-           +                            +

          P-       Flexor                    Flexor

Hand grip        100%.           100%

Provisional diagnosis

Psychosis? Depression?anxiety disorder?


1. Stop T.olanzapine T.quetiapine

2.Tab.tri hexi phenidyl (THP) 2mg

3.Tab mirtazepine

4. Tab. Clonazepam if patient is anxious or restless

To rule out extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotic drugs- i.m promethazine challenge test was done 
Symptoms were slightly reduced according to patient 



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